Paint.Net is one of my favorite image editors to work with. It is free and easy to use. If you're not yet familiar with it, check out some tutorials on their Forum or on YouTube to learn the basics.
Creating flyers for your book is similar to creating a social media post I covered here.
First step is opening up your Paint.Net and creating a background for the flyer. Resize the image: width: 600 and height: 900.
When ready, go to Tools > Paint Bucket and Colors > Yellow and click More and change the Saturation (marked with "S") under HSV to 10, then paint the background with the bucket.
Now go to Layers > Add New Layer. Then File > Open and open the cover art of your book. (If you have a smaller version of it, you'll need that one, or resize the artwork to 15% (if its original size was 2400*1600) or to your liking, then Edit > Select All and Edit > Copy and then paste it into a new layer on the flyer background. Drag and drop it to one side.
Now add a frame to the top and the bottom. Edit > Deselect then Layers > Add New Layer. Tools > Shapes. Shape type Rectangle and set Shape draw/ fill form to Draw Filled Shape. Select a color and draw the frames.
Go to Layers > New Layer. Then go to Tools > Text and pick a dark color gray or black. Write at the top frame something that indicates a happening like: "Coming Soon..." Or "This Fall..." Or "This October..." whichever is relevant to your book's release date.
Then go to Layers > Duplicate Layer and then go to Adjustments > Invert Colors. Now go to Tools > Move Selected Pixels (you don't have to select anything to use this tool now) then drag the top layer and create a shadowed text.
When you're satisfied with it, drop the layer. Then go to Layers > Merge Layer Down. It should look something like this:
Go to Edit > Deselect. Then Layers > Add New Layer. Then write more text. Add Your book's title to the top, a short blurb or a few sentences about the book to the side, next to the book's image and a call to action to sign up to your newsletter for alerts and games to the bottom. Also add your website or blog's address or a social media handle.:
Or recolor the layers.
Flatten image and save it.
Note: you can get a 3D cover art by performing an online search for "free 3D book covers" or "Free Ebook Cover Creator". Insert those onto the flyer to get a more professional look.
Free and awesome 3D creators: MyEcoverMaker.Com or Adazing.Com
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